Knitting You Wants to Hear From YOu

 Questions about any of our offerings? How to sign up? Where and when will class or event be held?

We also want to hear your suggestions or feedback.  Knitting You is here to make your knitting experience everything you can dream it to be.  

contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Please include your contact information in the message box so we may follow-up.  

3101 S. Frontenac St.
Seattle, WA 98108


This is not your grandmother's knitting and believe it or not, you can do it, too.  Knitting You is all about developing your confidence, creativity, expertise, and pleasure in this traditional craft that becoming anything you want it to be for you.  From beginners to those with life-long experience.  Kids, teens, men, hipsters, and yes, even grannys that never thought knitting was cool enough for them, Knitting You wants to be your knitting knowledge home.  Guarenteed. 


Back on Track

Resurrecting projects that have lost momentum for whatever reason,  spurred on by others in a small group sessions that allow for support and knowledge exchange.  Problem-solving and cheerleading to get over the hurdles and get to the finishing line of projects that have laid neglected or repurposing and moving on.  

    2 hour sessions are ongoing, monthly.   

    Cost $20


Any Unfinished Projects? 

Knitting class booklet
Knitting class offers hope
Knitting class
Knitting makes you happy

And on To A Happy  Finish

Get Unstuck and Let Knitting You Help You Over Any Hurdle

Images by Buggs Books & Used Patterns, cuervo418, Knitting at Mount Holyoke College, Shelby Ling, and Eliza.

Back on Track

Help to resurrect lost momentum on any project with problem-solving and support.

2-hour sessions, ongoing.

By appointment.  Use the Contact Us at the bottom of each page to indicate your interest and arrange a time.