Knitting Fundamentals
Getting started with basic knitting for anyone who has never knit before or has and wants to review or begin again.
Principles taught include tradition and practice of knitting, knitting vocabulary, yarn terminology and selection, needle choices and selection, other fundamental tools, introductions to resources including ravelry.com, online instruction, reference and pattern books and magazines, local library, local yarn shops, internet shopping, podcasts, and community events.
Skills taught include long tail cast on, knit and purl stitches, simple pattern selection and reading, regular bind off, simple increase and decrease, recognizing and correcting simple mistakes, adding yarn, weaving ends, and simple blocking.
Project options chosen by student include washcloth, dishcloth, scarf, wristlets, simple hat, simple blanket, or by approval of instructor.
Supplies for initial instruction provided by instructor. Project supplies provided by student with assistance of instructor, as desired.
Three sessions, two hours each scheduled 2 weeks apart. Practice time in class and homework between sessions. May be repeated.
Cost $75.
From Your First Cast On
To Your First Knitted Fabric
You'll Love Becoming a Knitting You
Images by BEO-A Window into the Past, Giolou, Diana's Photography, Cheryl, and Beamish Museum.
Getting started with basic knitting. Learn the knit stitch, purl stitch, following a pattern, casting on, knitting in the round, increases, decreases, and binding off. Skills that get you ready to expand your knitting skill.
Three sessions, two hours each.