Incorporating images or shapes using color blocking may appear complex or challenging but there are many things that the knitter can learn to do to minimize the most perplexing aspects of this technique to make the results very rewarding. Using basic knitting cast on, knit and purl, yarn joining, and bind off knowledge opens this method to almost anyone wanting to learn. Argyle knitting is really achievable without tears!
Principles covered include the history of intarsia and evaluating and designing intarsia patterns.
Skills taught include development and use of color charts, management of multiple yarns, carrying and interlocking new yarns, duplicate stitch to add detail, and working color patterning in the round.
Project includes socks, mittens, vest, sweater, or options by approval of instructor.
Project supplies provided by student with assistance of instructor, as desired.
Three sessions, two hours each scheduled 2 weeks apart. Practice time in class and homework between sessions. May be repeated.
Cost $75.
Picture Perfect
Images by katinthecupboard, Filter Forge, spuzzlightyeartoo, and Shandeh.