Learning the Knitting You Way
Knitting You is, well, all about YOU.
Knitting You is based on a model of a university for your knitting development. You might find this is an unusual approach and it definitely differs from a traditional means of learning or improving your knitting. Undertaking this innovative strategy, helps you develop a comprehensive, coordinated method of learning this craft. You grow and expand your skill and confidence as a knitter by pursuing a series of educational opportunities, events, and ongoing support based on your interests and focus in encompassing the goals for your knitting lifestyle. Using this model you are able to purchase credits that can be applied to individual classes or other Knitting You offerings. By choosing this option, you will be able to plan your learning just as you would when taking on a course of study in formalized education. This pricing structure allows you to take advantage of optimizing the cost of your activities while you choose to follow a recommended program or structure your personal program. Your credits can be purchased as a package and used much the same way as you would if you where to purchase a quarter of university study. It also allows others to purchase Knitting You as a gift for you while you have the flexibility to apply those credits to the classes that fit you best. Using credits offers you a discounted rate over the price of individual classes.
Knitting You adds new classes and special events regularly and you can have influence and input as to what those programs are as well as have priority for attending. And your Knitting You unused credits are fully refundable.
Whether you use credits or pay for your classes on a conventional per course basis, as a student at Knitting You, we work together to develop your personalized, coordinated learning curriculum based on what’s important to you always considering your interests, goals, availability, and resources. Applying your time and effort by following a developed knowledge plan helps ensure that you see the results and satisfaction you are looking for.
Because Knitting You is so confident that you will succeed, we offer a 100% money back guarantee that you meet your expectations for becoming the knitter you envision yourself to be.
I hope you will agree that Knitting You offers a unique program that fits you and your learning needs in a way like no other. Let Knitting You open a world of handmade and happy to you soon.